The patch jobs ended up looking...okay.
I've found that the knockdown texture is a difficult skill to master, particularly using the aerosol cans and doing small areas. The first patch I did was actually the best looking patch because the knockdown spray was coming out very consistently at that point in the can. The upper ones were a little thick, and the ones in the study were just a mess. I'm still thinking about going back at some point and re-texturing, but mandy wanted to start actually living in these rooms so I'll have to postpone that idea.
Either way, the actual painting was rather fun (even muji wanted a part of it!).
We made some mistakes, but I think overall it looks quite nice. We'll have to post some pictures when it's ready. In the meantime, here's a picture of the wall mid-paint, and the new fashion from San Diego, painter's blue as worn by Mandy.
So, have you finished painting? Did you find the right color?
That's interesting--why are your walls textured? Is that normal? I know ceilings are frequently textured, but guess I didn't realize walls were.
Eh, just put up a wall hanging if it's a little less than perfect. :)
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